Sonatavarius, you sound ignorant and seem to lack basic grammar skills.
The Macuahuitl is a club, the sword references are out of context in your link. Having read some of the books cited as part of my classes, the sword reference was saying they cut/did as much damage as a metal sword.
In addition, the native americans lacked the proper metallurgical knowledge, majority of their metal weapons were cold forged or gotten through trade.
I'm sorry friend... you seem to be misinformed yourself. I wouldn't expect someone w/ so few posts to have seen enough to know any better. Your ignorance is forgiven. I'm very busy with my classes. I don't have as much time as I did over the holiday to write uber posts... so I ask simple questions in order to come back and read the answers and the conversations that spurred from those questions.
the key, 3Leet, to having a decent discussion is not to troll the side you don't agree with. trying to disprove what they are saying is one thing... but attacking their personal integrity, especially when you don't back up your opinion with examples like you've attempted to do, is childish
if i misspell something and/or yews improper grammars then it is because I did it intentionally or I am typing so fast that i make a misteak... and just choose to neglect fixing it b/c the intelligent reader I am writing to will be able to easily decipher my message.
i read this somewhere... and i'm paraphrasing it... but i don't remember the particular source... sorries
i think the bible has been found to have noah or someone else describe a bat as a bird as opposed to a mammal. now if God does exist and did in fact give man some explanation of the world... would he have used terms and explanations that were above the comprehension of his followers? ...or would he have explained what little he discusses w/ the people in a way that they would understand? ...and just made it so that humans would have the capacitance to increase their knowledge and fix the errors once they were able to understand them? plus classification based off of dna is a man made concept... or at least i think it is. people back then classified creatures by physical characteristics rather then microscopic DNA. if i lived back then and I was told that a horse shoe crab was an evolved underwater spider as opposed to being a type of crab I would've laughed and said... obviously i'm having delusions and this isn't a god.... obviously its a crab. unless i was possessed and/or forced to believe such things the whole "wouldn't god make you know the right details... just isn't that practical (atleast for everyone)"
....if the mindset of the day was that flying creatures were birds then a bat was a bird
as for cows... were bison around then? i mean i know they were... i've gone on a few trips to the mid west and i think i remember seeing advertisements for bison made products... cheese, milk, meat.. etc
i doubt the indians would've had domesticated any of those... (possible cow reference... i mean based off of looks)
....i've seen claims that had the conquistadors saying the indians wielded swords... based off of the physical appearance of the stick w/ sharp objects in it... i can see how it could be called a sword... b/c clubs just don't have sharp ridges... technically if a club is just wood and not metal then the japanese wooden sword is just a wooden club that also looks like a sword... i mean the aztec swordclub even has a sharper edge >_>
now... i personally can't cut a horse's head off w/ a regular sword... i would imagine that it would get stuck in the spinal cord and i'd end up hacking at it a few times. the spiked sword/club has been shown to be capable of immense damage.... arguably on the same tier as a metal sword
another thing that i'm curious about....
Does the BoM claim that its people were the only people to have ever come over to the americas?...and were therefore the only source of Dna? i've read a few sites by mormons that say... "i don't know where everyone gets that... we never said it wasn't possible that the supposed individuals in the BoM could've made the transit into a territory w/ already existing populations of people"
...they call it a popular misconception
now if these already existing gene pools did in fact kill everyone of these other people and those people never mixed their genes then they would not have left any genetic markers... but that's just my opinion. i don't have any first hand experience in the field... so i don't know what genetic markers are actually present in the female passed down mitochondria and the male passed down Y chromosomes.
all i got for nao