I looked over every god**** inch of this place, I examined everything and I took twenty on searching that god**** hillside I should have found whatever was there.
You used something that goes two ****ing inches deep.......
Actually since I don't have a shovel I used my **** rod. And anyways it doesn't matter, I should have been able to make the dc to find the entrance here if I took 20.
I looked over every god**** inch of this place, I examined everything and I took twenty on searching that god**** hillside I should have found whatever was there.
Taking twenty doesn't make you a psychic, DBS.
I did, I went around stabbing the place with my **** shovel.
2 ft rod =/= 10 ft pole
And anyways it doesn't matter, I should have been able to make the dc to find the entrance here if I took 20.
There is not a DC, DBS. There is a handful of specific things that you have to do. No DC.
Dibs, Hyper is using a common sense rule. You are an idiot.....
A ****ing general roll for searching the area includes anything you can do to find it, if my character to her time, aka just taking 20, and searched the areas she should have found the ****ing entrance. Ah screw it I am done.
Sorry...if you don't want to play you can quit. I didn't mean to push.
Yeah I am don, and the set dc is 20 I checked online forums for tips on what to do since we got stuck on a ****ing hill and I read a search check dc 20 would real the entrance.
A ****ing general roll for searching the area includes anything you can do to find it, if my character to her time, aka just taking 20, and searched the areas she should have found the ****ing entrance. Ah screw it I am done.
DBS, want a freebie? Taking 20 will never do anything in this module, you have to do the thinking for yourself. And it wouldn't have worked in this situation regardless.
Yeah I am don, and the set dc is 20 I checked online forums for tips on what to do since we got stuck on a ****ing hill and I read a search check dc 20 would real the entrance.
No it wouldn't, DBS. The module specifically says that the characters have to say exactly what they do and that no search checks will work. I'm actually being lenient here.
Hyper, that's not what I mean. I mean it's bad for me in general, not just here.