The problem is th one you'll depend the most on to survive is the weakest and will be an arrow cushion wherever you stride for reasons unrevealed.
Can I get an ETA on that effing sheet?
Oh, right....Noob and Dragon are the only ones here.
Bel opens the door to reveal a stone-hewn corridor about 10 feet high and about 60 feet long. At the end of the passageway is a set of wooden double doors, marked with mysterious symbols.
What, the symbols on the doors? One of you might be able to, but it's impossible to tell at this distance. Since Spikkle is gone, I am applying my DM authority to give you the reins on his character for now.
Meh. When are you gonna start running the game? You have the module now, right? Also, what is your character's movement speed? I just noticed you didn't put it down on the sheet.
Yes, that is what I mean by we.
All right. You both enter the tunnel and approach the doors. About 40 feet in you can tell that neither of you so much as recognizes the language.
****!!!!! I just realized I spent 3 hours with the DM Friday and forgot about it! I didn't even get my character sheet! 40. Last time I put it on there, you told me to take it off..... I think it was actually Bel that that happened with.....