You'll be relying heavily on feats and magic items, they're what makes the difference between a meat wall and a meat wall who has some tactics to make use of.
But yeah, they can be pretty good. Martial classes in general are often considered underpowered, particularly those in the PHB, but they do fill their own vital role in the party (mainly - being the ones who don't die to monsters in a split second).
**spoiler for Hyper** The Black Star is a daedric (so Dekonic but like Satan-level) artifact that can absorb the souls of your slain foes (specifically, men, elves and other sentient species) so you can use them to make your enchanted weapons bettererest.
**spoiler for Hyper** The Black Star is a daedric (so Dekonic but like Satan-level) artifact that can absorb the souls of your slain foes (specifically, men, elves and other sentient species) so you can use them to make your enchanted weapons bettererest.
I think I will buy Skyrim. Mainly cause I want to see what all the hype is about.
These brick walls are obviously false! This thing is built into a hill, for Pelor's sake!
I'm going to be nice and not let you waste your time trying to get out. You can't. Speaking of which... Mazel tov Dragon! I do believe this is your first TPK. Your characters are all going to slowly die of dehydration and then their corpses will be disintegrated. Everyone have their backups ready?
Mazel tov Dragon! I do believe this is your first TPK. Your characters are all going to slowly die of dehydration and then their corpses will be disintegrated. Everyone have their backups ready?
Yep. They're trapped and there's no way to get out. You can't bust down the entrance for some reason(blame the module) so yeah. They're just gonna die slowly. And that children, is why you send the people you don't like to scout new areas.
Yep. They're trapped and there's no way to get out. You can't bust down the entrance for some reason(blame the module) so yeah. They're just gonna die slowly. And that children, is why you send the people you don't like to scout new areas.
Lol, this thing is a lot deadlier then I gave it credit for. Luckily my chick left thanks to her nerd rage.