When I said that now is not a good time for me, what I mean is that I'm in an ever deepening spiral of depression and this is one of the few places I can come to forget all the **** in my life. Don't ****ing take this away from me.
I wasn't trying to do anything of the kind. All I'm saying is, this game would be much more enjoyable for everyone involved if you and DBS weren't butting heads every five minutes. If this is your sanctuary, then maybe you should stop burning it down and flinging ****.
When I said that now is not a good time for me, what I mean is that I'm in an ever deepening spiral of depression and this is one of the few places I can come to forget all the **** in my life. Don't ****ing take this away from me.
I didn't mean to start a fight, I thoought we were just talking about the class.
And Noobs, sure I'll join your game. We're level 4, right? What role do ya need filled?
We can actually choose the level we want, I'm fine with any level, but I would also like to know the alignment. Oh and Hyper if after you finish this game if you don't wanna GM no more I'll be working on something.
I have a bad feeling on Dragon's disappearance,,,,, N DB if you do read this, I've been through depression as well (thoug im sure for different reasons than yours) and I can say that venting, while hard to avoid most of the time, only hurts those around you and tends to make you feel more bad about yourself. While I cant directly support you or gleam some insight into your situation from here, I do give you my support as an internet-bro and I can gladly try to help you if you need it.
@Hyper: Alignment is up to a group vote, level constraint (also to a vote) is between 4 and 16.
Noobs, thanks. College is both the best and worst time of your life and right now, all I'm getting is the bad..... Also, my disappearance is due to Pokemon distracting me.
I have a bad feeling on Dragon's disappearance,,,,, N DB if you do read this, I've been through depression as well (thoug im sure for different reasons than yours) and I can say that venting, while hard to avoid most of the time, only hurts those around you and tends to make you feel more bad about yourself. While I cant directly support you or gleam some insight into your situation from here, I do give you my support as an internet-bro and I can gladly try to help you if you need it.
Yes yes, we've all had to deel with feeling of depression before I'm sure. Noobs do you think it is worse to lash out cause of it, or to keep it all bottled up.
Noobs, thanks. College is both the best and worst time of your life and right now, all I'm getting is the bad.....
No doubt man.
Also, my disappearance is due to Pokemon distracting me.
How far are you anyways?
Care to talk about it? If it is that had then holding it in is only going to let it boil more until it explodes.