Alignment is up for grabs (though Evil would probably be more fun than Good) and level is to be decided by the players, though has to he between 4 and 16.
Not always, sometimes it just makes it worse.
If a friend cantvhelp you when you're hurting then **** them, they dont deserve any title anywhere near 'friend'. I remember at a certain funeral a few of my buddies from school showed up (3 hour drive in a packed mini-van wity 3 layers of wool clothing on) and they all gave me personal condolences and offers of support, as wel as an entire binder full of letters from dozens of people at school. I think it really made that day unmeasurably better.
Yes yes, we've all had to deel with feeling of depression before I'm sure. Noobs do you think it is worse to lash out cause of it, or to keep it all bottled up.
Like I said, venti.g on others only hurts them and puts you deep in the wrong, so i say finding a different way to vent or distract yourself (like say petting a kitteh, playing sports or video games).
Alignment is up for grabs (though Evil would probably be more fun than Good) and level is to be decided by the players, though has to he between 4 and 16.
You are evil and a *****.
If a friend cantvhelp you when you're hurting then **** them, they dont deserve any title anywhere near 'friend'. I remember at a certain funeral a few of my buddies from school showed up (3 hour drive in a packed mini-van wity 3 layers of wool clothing on) and they all gave me personal condolences and offers of support, as wel as an entire binder full of letters from dozens of people at school. I think it really made that day unmeasurably better.
I don't know why but I just don't buy that.
Like I said, venti.g on others only hurts them and puts you deep in the wrong, so i say finding a different way to vent or distract yourself (like say petting a kitteh, playing sports or video games).