That was a typo, I meant mental. Hyper, don't listen to Dibs...ever. What I meant by that is I hope you never find yourself in a situation bad enough that it would test who your true friends are.
With all do respect,t hat was not meant as an insult that is just my opinion on Life in general.
That was a typo, I meant mental. Hyper, don't listen to Dibs...ever. What I meant by that is I hope you never find yourself in a situation bad enough that it would test who your true friends are.
I actually agree with that.
Should we all just randomize our characters? We've never done that before.
I would love to do that.
So we all must make a character without the others knowing what it is? You sadistic ****ing genius, I love you!
I got to agree with you on that.
It'll make the party totally unbalanced...I'm just saying.
Come on, it will be fun. I will have a level 9 character in 15-40 minutes.
That brings up an interesting point though. Would you say that mental problems are more serious than physical ones?
Well mental problems can impact your physical body and physical problems can damage your mental health.
It's on a case to case basis. Schizophrenia is worse than a bruise, but cancer is worse than mild paranoia.
Obviously, but I mean on diseases of comparably equal severity. For example, would you say that a severe schizophrenic is worse off than a person missing an arm or a leg?
Come on, it will be fun. I will have a level 9 character in 15-40 minutes.