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22,207 posts

Dot snivelling witch, I asoed for Lvl 6 when she told me 27k.

23,530 posts

Dot snivelling witch, I asoed for Lvl 6 when she told me 27k.
No I think she thought you meant for level 8 since that is what we agreed on. For 6th it is 13K.
26,390 posts

Dot snivelling witch, I asoed for Lvl 6 when she told me 27k.

No, 27k is for level 8. Working on the equipment now, what's your final verdict on the gold limit?

I meant 'how do parents kick you out of college', not 'how do parents kick you out'.

You are indeed a nimrod, good sir.
He was kicked out of college for a bad GPA. He went to live with his parents, then his parents kicked him out.
22,207 posts

He was kicked out of college for a bad GPA. He went to live with his parents, then his parents kicked him out.

I am aware of dees, i was clarifying my original Frage.

24k still.
26,390 posts

24k still.

****. All right.

-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Zaknraen Do'ervs
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 70.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Drow.
Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Deity: Selune.
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.
Str: 16(+3)
Dex: 24(+7)
Con: 13(+1)
Int: 15(+2)
Wis: 19(+4)
Cha: 12(+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +12
Will Save: +5
Hit Points: 45/45.
Darkvision: 90 ft.
AC: 20.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4,
Off Hand: Light Mace.
Primary Hand: Rapier.
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening.
GP: 5k.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Endurance, Track, Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes.
Class Feats: Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Two Weapon Fighting), Animal Companion, Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.
Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).
Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.

I'm trying to decide between Bracers of Armor and a Cloak of Resistance.
23,530 posts

I am aware of dees, i was clarifying my original Frage. Kay.

You are indeed a nimrod, good sir.
He was kicked out of college for a bad GPA. He went to live with his parents, then his parents kicked him out.
Lol, you said rod.
No, 27k is for level 8. Working on the equipment now, what's your final verdict on the gold limit?
Told ya.
24k still.
You know you could have just googled it.
So is my character approved?
23,530 posts

-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Zaknraen Do'ervs
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 70.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Drow.
Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Deity: Selune.
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.
Str: 16(+3)
Dex: 24(+7)
Con: 13(+1)
Int: 15(+2)
Wis: 19(+4)
Cha: 12(+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +12
Will Save: +5
Hit Points: 45/45.
Darkvision: 90 ft.
AC: 20.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4,
Off Hand: Light Mace.
Primary Hand: Rapier.
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening.
GP: 5k.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Endurance, Track, Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes.
Class Feats: Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Two Weapon Fighting), Animal Companion, Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.
Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).
Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.

I'm trying to decide between Bracers of Armor and a Cloak of Resistance.
I would go with the cloak, and **** those are some pretty good stats.
26,390 posts

I would go with the cloak, and **** those are some pretty good stats.

-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Zaknraen Do'ervs
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 70.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Drow.
Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Deity: Selune.
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.
Str: 16(+3)
Dex: 24(+7)
Con: 13(+1)
Int: 15(+2)
Wis: 19(+4)
Cha: 12(+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Fort Save: +7
Ref Save: +16
Will Save: +7
Hit Points: 45/45.
Darkvision: 90 ft.
AC: 18.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4, Cloak of Resistance +2.
Off Hand: Light Mace.
Primary Hand: Rapier.
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening.
GP: 1k.
Damage: 1d8+7, 1d6+7.
Attack: +14.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Endurance, Track, Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse,
Class Feats: Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Two Weapon Fighting), Animal Companion, Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.
Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).
Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.

Now, 2 weapon defense or combat reflexes?
23,530 posts

Now, 2 weapon defense or combat reflexes?
Well normaly I would say combat reflexes but your kind of frail so Two Weapon Defense. And I am not Jelly, I do't even like Jelly. Except for King Jelly, he rules.
Now Hyper, any suggestions on my character?
26,390 posts

-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Zakn'tel Baenrret.
Player: Hypermnestra.
Age: 70.
Gender: Male.
Race: Half-Drow.
Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Deity: Selune.
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.
Str: 16(+3)
Dex: 24(+7)
Con: 13(+1)
Int: 15(+2)
Wis: 19(+4)
Cha: 12(+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +7
Fort Save: +5
Ref Save: +14
Will Save: +5
Hit Points: 45/45.
Darkvision: 90 ft.
AC: 21.
Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4, Bracers of Armor +2.
Off Hand: Light Mace.
Primary Hand: Rapier.
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening, 200 ft. rope, 1 month trail rations, bullseye lantern, 10 foot pole, flint/tinder, bedroll.
GP: 1k.
Damage: 1d8+7, 1d6+7.
Attack: +14.
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting, Endurance, Track, Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Defense.
Class Feats: Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Two Weapon Fighting), Animal Companion, Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.
Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).
Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.

Decided to pump up my AC in both.

Weapon Focus Glaive, Weapon Focus Guisarme, Weapon Focus Halberd, Weapon Focus Ranseur,

Pick one or two at the most.
23,530 posts

Decided to pump up my AC in both.
Are you sure you can afford both Bracers of Armor and gloves with only 24K? Some of this ****e can get expensive.
Pick one or two at the most.
Really? I was kind of working off his reach and his weapon specializing, but if I do get rid of a few of those I can focus more on his unarmed attacks.
26,390 posts

Are you sure you can afford both Bracers of Armor and gloves with only 24K? Some of this ****e can get expensive.

Bracers of Armor +2 = 4k.
Gloves of Dex +4 = 16k.
Chime of Opening = 3k.
16k + 4k + 3k = 23k.
23k < 24k.
26,390 posts

Really? I was kind of working off his reach and his weapon specializing, but if I do get rid of a few of those I can focus more on his unarmed attacks.

If you want to utilize reach weapons, don't put weapon focus into a bunch of them. Pick one and build on that.
23,530 posts

Are you sure you can afford both Bracers of Armor and gloves with only 24K? Some of this ****e can get expensive.
Never mind just checked it out, I was reading the price for +6 rather the +4.
23,530 posts

Bracers of Armor +2 = 4k.
Gloves of Dex +4 = 16k.
Chime of Opening = 3k.
16k + 4k + 3k = 23k.
23k < 24k.
I know I misread the lines. So with the misc stuff like puffy shirt, ropes, food, and that stuff you got a few hundred left.
If you want to utilize reach weapons, don't put weapon focus into a bunch of them. Pick one and build on that.
I guess but I also wanted him to have an assortment of weapons, I also got the halberd for up close fighting. Cause with the weapons he has like a 15 foot reach.
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