You come upon a tavern after much wandering throug the city of Silverymoon. On the wooden sign hanging outside you can see a smiling goat, bucking up with a mug in one hoof and another hanging over one of its horns. You can clearly hear the sound of a Lute, Flute and Violin all playing frantically from outside. The faint sound oflaugter and chatter also drifts to yours ears, as well as the waft of a fresh pork roast.
[i]As uou enter throug the dark wooden door a scene best described s controlled chaos. All around you are moving bodies illuminated bybthe light of multiple floating lanterns drifting about above the heads of the merry folk along with a tray of foid here and there. Occupying the center ofbthe immediate vicinity is a mass of swathing bodies, all dancing to the band playing in the corner. To your front and right is a bar with some of the more somber (yes, somber) guests drinking or enjoying a meal. To thevleft, a smattering of taboes., most already packed with people young and old there to join the raucous revelry constat there. Above you is a loft with some of the better-off persons in a similar form of chaos. A waitress or servant can be easily identified by the large ebony trays they hold and the parting of the crowd wherever they stride, and the owner, identifiable only by a large conspicuous top hat, stands towards the back of the room.
DBS arrives first, then Hyper, then Spikkle, thenDB.
You come upon a tavern after much wandering throug the city of Silverymoon. On the wooden sign hanging outside you can see a smiling goat, bucking up with a mug in one hoof and another hanging over one of its horns. You can clearly hear the sound of a Lute, Flute and Violin all playing frantically from outside. The faint sound oflaugter and chatter also drifts to yours ears, as well as the waft of a fresh pork roast.
[i]As uou enter throug the dark wooden door a scene best described s controlled chaos. All around you are moving bodies illuminated bybthe light of multiple floating lanterns drifting about above the heads of the merry folk along with a tray of foid here and there. Occupying the center ofbthe immediate vicinity is a mass of swathing bodies, all dancing to the band playing in the corner. To your front and right is a bar with some of the more somber (yes, somber) guests drinking or enjoying a meal. To thevleft, a smattering of taboes., most already packed with people young and old there to join the raucous revelry constat there. Above you is a loft with some of the better-off persons in a similar form of chaos. A waitress or servant can be easily identified by the large ebony trays they hold and the parting of the crowd wherever they stride, and the owner, identifiable only by a large conspicuous top hat, stands towards the back of the room.
DBS arrives first, then Hyper, then Spikkle, thenDB.
Rating 1-10 of the above description.
Alright, so wow on the timing, and my guy takes in the sight around him and smiles as he moves over to the bar and waits for the bartender. I give it 3.5.
@DBS: A black haired female half-elf literally slides over to you. "How can I help you?" She asks happily.
He jumps a bit at this, "Well you just popped out of nowhere didn't you? Well Yeah you can help me what is there to drink in this place?" He speaks with a bit of a southern drawl.
I say we get started. Also, should me move this to its actual thread?
I actually forgot about that. So a combo of Flannery and a cleric? Nice Flannery is one of my favorite Gym leaders.
He jumps a bit at this, "Well you just popped out of nowhere didn't you? Well Yeah you can help me what is there to drink in this place?" He speaks with a bit of a southern drawl.
"We have everything!" She says, turning a bit to gesture to the elaborate wall of liquors behind the bar. He can see everythingfrom Elven wines to Human lagers to the strongest Dwarven ales, all of which are randomly scattered to fit the city's message of racial diversity and equality.
"We have everything!" She says, turning a bit to gesture to the elaborate wall of liquors behind the bar. He can see everythingfrom Elven wines to Human lagers to the strongest Dwarven ales, all of which are randomly scattered to fit the city's message of racial diversity and equality.
"Alright well let me see, I'll take three of your strongest elven drinks, a mug of your strongest dwarven ale, an order of pork and diet a coke, got to you know watch my figure."
"Alright well let me see, I'll take three of your strongest elven drinks, a mug of your strongest dwarven ale, an order of pork and diet a coke, got to you know watch my figure."
She raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure you can take all of that?"
@DB iI meant Email. Nvyour character arrives upon a similar scene of rioting and debauchery.