Yes please. One dwarf wizard, coming right up.

-------------------Basic Information----------------------
Name: Vilbern Stoutpeak
Player: Spikkle
Age: 58
Description: Reasonably lithe and tall, for a dwarf. A sallow face puts a damper on his otherwise cheery demeanour. He has brown hair and a full, thick beard, and is dressed in simple attire.
Gender: Male
Race: Shield Dwarf
Class: Diviner 7/Fatespinner 1 [Complete Arcane]
Level Equivalency: 8
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Vergadain
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Undercommon.
Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 17(+3)
Con: 19(+4)
Int: 19(+4)
Wis: 15(+2)
Cha: 10(+0)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Fort Save: +6
Ref Save: +5
Will Save: +9
Hit Points: 53
AC: 18/15 FF/13 Touch
Armor/Clothing: Simple Commoners' Clothing. Underneath this is a
Mithral Chain Shirt of Twilight (MIC, 3100gp)
+4 AC/+6 Dex/0 ACP/0% ASF chance
Off Hand: Githcraft Darkwood Light Shield/Buckler of Death Ward (DMGII/MIC, 2857gp)
+1 AC/0 ACP/0% ASF Chance
Currently stored away in HHH.
Primary Hand: Quarterstaff of Sizing (MIC, 5000gp)
1d6/1d6 Bludgeoning/x2 crit/Can change its size category to any other desired as a swift action
Unequipped: None.
Miscellaneous: Healing Belt (MIC, 750gp) - Worn on waist
Provides a +2 to heal checks and will heal 4d8 hit points 1/day
Wand of Magic Missile 5th (3750gp) - Stored in HHH
Scroll of Mordenkainen's lucubration x3 (4950gp) Stored in HHH
Heward's Handy Haversack (2000gp) - Strapped to back
GP: 593
Feats: Spellcasting Prodigy [Int], Improved Initiative, Cloudy Conjuration, Spell Penetration
Class Feats: Hawk Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Spin Fate [Complete Arcane]
Skills: Con +11, Know. Arcana +10, Know. Dungeoneering +4, Know. Nature +5, Know. Planes +4, Profession (Gambler) +5, Spellcraft +11, Tumble +5, Spot +3 in bright light
Synergy bonuses (+2 each): Balance, Jump, Spellcraft.
[Vilbern has given up the school of Necromancy]
0 (5/day) - All cantrips
1st (5/day) - Magic Missile, Tenser's Floating Disk, Unseen Servant, Feather Fall, Mage Armor
2nd (4/day) - Rope Trick, Invisibility, Cat's Grace, Web
3rd (3/day) - Summon Monster III, Fireball, Suggestion
4th (2/day) - Unluck [Complete Arcane], Scrying
Think this face:

With this clothing: