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Still waiting onyou people or i can just skip.
The party's assembled, Noob, what exactly are you waiting for us to do?
I agree with Hyper, here. Pure confusion.....
Extended CI time I guess, although my guy is about as interesting as a cardboard box.
"Actually, I don't think you've even told me your name..."
"Neither have you."
"Actually, I don't think you've even told me your name..." "Neither have you."
She blushes in embarrassment, though it is barely noticeable, even at this range."Sorry, I'm Fyre."
There is a pause. "Nice to meet you. I'm Zachary." He is lying about his name because he knows it'll give him away as a Drow. It's close enough.
What about my guy?
She extends her hand out to shake (effeminately and ladylike)."A pleasure to meet you, Zachary. I assume you lived with Humans?"
Nobody likes him, he can go die in a hole.
"A pleasure to meet you, Zachary. I assume you lived with Humans?"
*HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!*
"What's it like growing up with humans?"
Thread is locked!