GM does not need to bail us out, there may be 12 of them, but that's the way a Warmage fights, with an army of opponents in front of him, and his few friends beside him, I cast my hail of stone spell before the guards can move in and break it up.
Siber casts the Hail of Stone spell. Most of the dwarves are knocked unconscious, though not killed. Calethen swings and misses, then nearly falls over with the momentum of his attack. Trafire smashes the final dwarf, the dwarf who hit her with the mug, on the head and knocks him out.
You don't find anything valuable on the dwarves, but a few members of the city guard approach. "What happened here?" one asks Siber, eying him carefully.
"They attacked us. We had no choice but to defend ourselves. Most of them are still alive. That midget just called your mom a gardening tool used by many men."
Well, you surprise me Druid, you seem to have some fight in you after all, maybe you aren't a completely hopeless tree-hugger, like SOME Druids I know... Perhaps we had best discuss the matter of a job involving a house overrun by ghouls and homonculi, some alchemist equipment, a large amount of books, and a Wagon to haul it in. *proceed to explain what we need to do, and the purchase of 2 mules, and a wagon*