Siber heads downstairs to the bar in the Breaking Wave Inn. He sees Trafire in some sort of confrontation with a group of inebriated dwarves in one corner, and near the bar, he sees Calethen, drunk as a skunk, drinking a tankard of something, and next to him is Otihand, apparently still sober.
Also; Trafire, I'm going to say that the hawk is perched outside on the roof, because animals aren't allowed inside the buildings.
I hold up a lesser orb of fire and attempt to intimidate the Dwarves:
YOU THERE, DWARF! If you know what's good for you, you will back away from the Druid, or so help me... I WILL THROW THIS BALL OF FIRE UP YOUR HAIRY ARSE AND TURN YOUR INSIDES INTO JELLY!!! You have 5 seconds...
Siber fails to intimidate the dwarves, anyway. "Get outta here, ya shcrawny lil wishard, if you knowsh what'sh good for ye," says one dwarf. "This don't concern ye."
Trafire easily pushes the already-tipsy dwarf out of the chair and grabs it. Then she aims a massive blow at the dwarf that threw the mug at her, but misses. The chair swings above the dwarf's head by several inches. "Wot de hell are you tryn ter do?" demands one dwarf.
Otihand gets close enough to help Fire. Calethen, though still quite drunk, decides that this is interesting and gets up to help. idea. Seriously guys, it's 12 well equipped Dwarven fighters against you guys. I'll save your *****. The owner of the inn comes in and calls security to break up the fight. The fight is broken up. The dwarves, Otihand, and Trafire are all told never to return to the Breaking Wave Inn, and kicked out.
I cast hail of stone(unless there is only one, then I cast magic missile), attempting to target as many of them as possible without hurting any innocent bystanders or Fire. Afterwards I say: