14...that should be enough, it's not like they're an unknown and obscure organization. Siber recognizes the "Z"'s on the fighters as being the mark of the Zhentarim, but he cannot recall anything else about it.
I KNEW IT! I only have one question for you now... ARE YOU MAD?!?!?! That is one of the nastiest organizations in Faerun, THEY CAN KILL US EASILY!!! (I LOVE IT! I didn't think you took what I said that seriously, but this is going to be a lot of fun, especially when we all figure that out...)
The party(now with the addition of Jozan Silverheart again) begins to journey to the alchemist's old home near the Western Heartlands. While on their way, they encounter a Half-Elven fighter. He introduces himself as D'lor and requests to join their party.