Ok, welcome random person we just met and trust for absolutely no reason, whose skills could use because you were designed that way.................what did I just say? ..............NEVER MIND, welcome to the group D'lor!
Okay, so, the party continues to the Alchemist's old home. It once have been a nice place once. It's a very large house with elaborate, sweeping stairwells, towers, balconies, large windows, and elaborately twisting metal decorations in the Victorian style. However, the mansion has clearly been desecrated. The paint(you can barely discern that it used to be black) is chipping, fading, and peeling away. The wood is rotten and the nauseating scent of mildews and molds, smoke, unidentifiable alchemical ingredients, and other things reaches you as soon as you are within twenty yards of the place. The shingles are hanging loosely from the roof, dangling precariously but not yet fallen. The once-magnificent windows have been clouded with grit, dust, and grime. Several of the steps from the stairs leading to the front door are missing, and the rest creak ominously when you step on them. You walk up to the front door and reach for the knob of tarnished brass in the shape of a hand, outstretched as if for a handshake. "Ready to go?" asks Jozan. "What's our formation going to be?"
Single file in what order? And you realize that, unlike the well system, this place actually has a whole lot of room, right? Single file might not be the best choice.
"For once," Jozan says, "I agree with the wizard."
You've only told me who goes first and who goes last, that's not good enough. There are 7 other people that you haven't mentioned where they go in the formation.
For the record, I am a warmage, not a wizard, and I believe we should find the back door first, just to be safe. The GM would NEVER EXPECT IT! ................Ok, that was lame, even though I was the one who said it, so seriously, STOP MAKING ME SAY DUMB CRAP LIKE THAT, it's annoying and.............Did I just say all that out loud? Ummm........ shall we search for traps then?