Well, are we going to search for traps, or go in the back door? Can we take 20 on our search checks for the traps? (If they're magical traps, we could be screwed...)
Yeah. I still don't see why you are searching for traps on the windows, though. Why are you doing that? Aren't you going through the doors, not the windows?
And don't worry, I'm not going to be THAT mean...probably...
"The place probably has some kind of security that severs connections like that...Dispel Magic, maybe," Jozan says shortly. "This is actually good. Better for us to discover that now than for us to find it out when the warmage and I can't cast any spells at the enemy..."
Jozan shrugs. "Maybe, maybe not," he replies noncommittally. "I'm not much of a magic caster. Regardless, instead of worrying, maybe we should try getting into the house."
Otihand looks for traps on the windows on the back side, and the door. On the first window, he finds a touch-triggered trap that will shoot a crossbow bolt at whoever has triggered it. On the second window, he finds a trap that will set the window on fire(thus burning the person's hands), it's touch-triggered. On the third window, he does not find any traps. On the fourth window, he finds nothing as well. On the door, he does not find any traps, however, there is a lock on the door that is not hidden and in clear view.
To clarify your surroundings, there are four windows per side per level(so on the back, there are four windows at ground level), there is a big tall stairway leading to the front door because it's kind of high up off the ground, and the stairway itself is supported by several beams, blocks, etc. There is a sizable gap between the stairs and the ground that you could fit in, if you crouched. The door itself is ancient but still sturdy, made of strong, fortified wood. The lock barring it is of fairly high value. Nearly all around the building are piles of refuse, probably left by the old owner himself(he didn't look to be too tidy, from what Siber saw).