Yes, I do. Your AC is 20. Unfortunately, the trap got a +4 because you failed your reflex save(it was DC 20 and even with your Dex bonus I only rolled a 5), and I rolled a 17, so you got hit. Lucky for you though, I only rolled a 5 on the damage roll...that crossbow could have put you into the negative health zone.
Zingnoff tumbles into the house from the window. It's a relatively short fall, and he lands on his feet without difficulty and looks around. The house is enormous, with a cracked, slanted flagstone floor, a healthy dosage of dust spread on absolutely everything, and plenty of vermin(rats, cockroaches, etc.) that scatter when he crashes through. There are several staircases placed randomly around the room that lead to nothing at all at the top. Those few staircases that actually lead somewhere wind around several times before actually reaching a higher level. A faded and frayed carpet in the Amnian style is spread across the second floor, whereas the first floor is left bare. Several piles of refuse and garbage dominate the first floor, with trash scattered about ranging from piles of foul-smelling liquid to heavily rusted and tarnished armors. A horrid stench of decaying flesh, smoke, mildew, mold, and other unidentifiable elements assaults Zingnoff's nose as soon as he enters, even more pungent than when the party first approached the house, and he is forced to use one hand to plug his nose. There are several doorways around the room, all of them are shut. On the north wall, there are two doors, on the south wall, there is one, and the west and east walls both hold two doors each. It's impossible to tell where each door leads, but all of them are made of reinforced wood that has, however, decayed and rotted over the years, leaving naught but a pile of mulch in its place that blocks the doorways. The walls and floors show signs of abuse, from blackened scorch marks to deep gouges from a sword or even claw. What must have once been a very grand crystal chandelier dangles dangerously from the ceiling, hanging by no more than a thin, rusted chain. The room is very large, and accommodates even the many stairs with ease; it is the piles of rubbish that block many possible routes through it.
If you guys wanted to go through the window, you could, but it's got a trap on it, remember? Zingnoff made it through the trap, but he took some pretty significant damage. If I were you guys, I wouldn't go getting hurt before I was even inside the building.