I'm back, sorry my internet can go out at some of the worst times... Anyway, I keep my eyes open, and I think we should look for the basement after we check upstairs.
Of course I do, that was just a warmup to test ya'll. I'm saving my best riddles for later.
Anyway, so, you guys are going to the second floor first now?
Okay. The party heads up the winding, weakened stairway to the second floor of the alchemist's house. The piles of garbage and refuse there fill almost the entire space, and you will now have to push a path through if you wish to continue on through the second floor.
...he's still in the pit. You guys still haven't found a rope to pull him out with, and he hasn't made any attempt to climb out yet.
Calethen and Jozan start blazing a trail through the garbage while the rest of the party walks behind them. The stench is nearly overwhelming, and it's slow, disgusting going. Pushing the garbage around presents a tactical weakness, as the noise would probably overwhelm any sounds that might warn you to the presence of an enemy. Suddenly, there is a shift in the trash in front of the party. Something is moving.
Hmm...let's see, I still can't find that ****able bardic music effects chart(is there one?) so... Xav strums a few quick notes on his mandolin and starts to sing. There is no noticeable effect, though it must be doing something.