I already told you what I'm doing, moving forward, eyes and ears open.
In my experience, the battlefield is the most dangerous place for a man, but an enclosed space, with no knowledge of the landscape or of the enemy's location, can be even more deadly than the bloodiest of battles. I have seen things that could make the bravest warrior quiver in fear, but there is always that uncertainty of what could be around the next corner, and no amount of experience can truly prepare you for that. We must be vigilant, always on guard, and ready for anything, or we will not get out of this house alive...
The party continues forward, as alert as possible. Suddenly, the creature hidden in the pile of garbage leaps out, almost directly in front of the party. It's a hideous monster, but vaguely recognizable as once having been human. It has filthy claws on each twisted finger, big, sharp teeth fill its gaping mouth, and sunken yellowed eyes stare out at you from a face composed mostly of decaying, rotten flesh that has darkened to revolting shades over time. It takes its opportunity to claw at Jozan, but misses his face by a hair's breadth.
Otihand stabs his sword at the Ghoul vehemently, and black ichor spurts out of its chest where his longsword made contact. However, the ghoul remains standing. Calethen slashes at the ghoul with his hand-and-a-half sword, but misses by a long shot. Jozan, opting not to try and turn the ghoul, swings his mace at it, but he misses as well.
what do you mean you don't know what a vato is don't they have mexicans were you live and were fighting a thing thats trying to kill us so what i'm trying to stab
what do you mean you don't know what a vato is don't they have mexicans were you live and were fighting a thing thats trying to kill us so what i'm trying to stab
Yes, but I don't know why you would be calling a ghoul a dude... Anyway, Soul...is in the middle. You can't stab it.