Otihand chooses to put away his bow and draw his sword. A Ghoul takes this opportunity to bite him, sinking its fangs deep into his forearm. Xav stabs at one of the Ghouls, causing it to turn and slash at him with one beclawed hand. It misses, though, and Xav hits it, but does not kill it. Jozan finally catches up with the group of Ghouls attacking Xav, Siber, Trafire, and Otihand. He slams his mace into the skull of the one attacking Otihand with a sickening SCRACK!, hitting it hard and causing it to release Otihand's arm, but not killing it.
Siber draws his sword and slashes at the Ghoul that attacked him. He hits it directly in the stomach. In retaliation, it slashes a claw towards his face, but misses by millimeters.
i stab one i keep stabbing keep stabbing
What an interesting, creative, and diverse battle plan you have going on there, Loco. I'm impressed. Loco slashes one Ghoul with his rapier, but still does not kill it, although it is weakened.
Trafire finishes the Flare spell and the Ghoul attacking her is temporarily blinded, causing a blast of bright, blinding light. The Ghoul attacking her is dazzled and stunned by the light, giving her a temporary reprieve.
Xav kicks a Ghoul, though it doesn't do much good, and that uses up his turn. It slashes at him with its claws, but actually ends up accidentally slashing itself. However, it does not do much self-inflicted damage.
No I did not forget, DB. Some people had their turn, and some didn't. I responded to you first, and then you immediately did an action again before some people had caught up with you. Therefore, I had to wait for them before proceeding because otherwise it would throw off the time. Capisce? Otihand hits one Ghoul, killing it. Now there are only 3 Ghouls left attacking Siber, Trafire, Otihand, Xav, and Jozan, and the remaining 7 have finally caught up with the rest of the group. They claw at Calethen first, but miss him.
Otihand slashes at the Ghoul attacking Trafire, but his sword whistles harmlessly past it.
Xav aims for the neck of his ghoul and stabs at it there, but misses badly because he's aiming for a small spot. In fact, he misses so horribly that he actually stabs himself, and actually stabs himself so badly that he falls unconscious due to his own self-inflicted wound. He is now in the process of dying.