What are these things? BACK YOU FOUL SPAWNS OF EVIL! I will not go down without a fight... TO THE DEATH, CHARGE! *casts lesser orb of fire aand draws his bow*! BURN YOU FOWL CREATURE, DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH!
Soul stabs the thing with his rapier, and dark blood comes spilling out of its arm where he cut it.
Siber casts an orb of fire at the monstrosity, and there is a disgusting smell of burning flesh as the orb of flame makes contact with the thing's flesh. Where it touches is left blackened and charred.
Well, what shift were we on when this started? I had first shift, and I just used my last spell of the day, unless I got my sleep in... (not sure if I need 4 or 8 hours, since technically I only need 4 for sleep, and I'm not a regular wizard who reads from the spellbook to prepare. Normally preparation takes 8, but can I do it in 4 or do I have to take the full 8 hours? Jenna say qua!)
It happened on second shift. Hmm...how about you sleep 4 hours as normal, but to prepare your spells you have to "trance"(sleep) for an additional 2 hours, but the extra 2 are only for spells; if you sleep 4 hours, you'll still be rejuvenated in every other way except for your spells.
Otihand swings at the raven thing, but misses. Calethen slashes his sword at the abomination, and his sword cuts through its side like butter. The wound elicits a howl of pain from the creature, and a spurt of black, ichor-like blood sprays from the gash in its side. In retaliation, the thing tries to claw at Calethen, but its hand misses.