This game is dying I think... Hyper, we spread out in groups of 2, one rogue-like character to each group, and just search the house, otherwise this game will just stay dead forever. I don't want any arguments, let's just do it and worry about the outcome later, if there is an outcome (the way this has been going lately...) JUST GO!
All right. The party splits up in groups of two. Soul/Trafire Zingnoff/Jozan Otihand/Calethen Xav/Siber
The parties search the house. Soul and Trafire take the first floor, Zingnoff and Jozan take the second, Otihand and Calethen take the third, and Xav and Siber take the fourth. After some searching, you recover 16 books and the alchemist's retort. Then, the party of Soul and Trafire on the first floor hear an ominous rumbling sound.