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Your rolls always suck, just let the generator roll for it.
>.> reroll 8 times...
Hai hai hai wut sc goin on
I am using an online roller right now not my own dice.
Fine, but your luck still sucks with those.......
I'm only lucky when it comes to real dice, here are the results showing the six highest, 10, 18, 10, 12, 9, 10, I told you to stick with my first set, my luck sucks with any form of dice except the real kind.
Can I please roll for this? You are terrible.
Blame the online rollers hold on let me try my dice.
18, 12, 16, 14, 12, 15 here are the stats rolled on my dice.
Not too bad. I'm sure Noobs approves and I'll make the character now.
Still a bit rough.
ADHD AssassinMale Air Genasi Rogue 1Chaotic NeutralRepresenting SirNoobalotStrength 16 (+3)Dexterity 20 (+5)Constitution 12 (+1)Intelligence 17 (+3)Wisdom 10 (+0)Charisma 12 (+1) Size: MediumHeight: 6' 2"Weight: 130 lbSkin: BlueEyes: SilverHair: Silver WavyTotal Hit Points: 6Speed: 40 feet [quick] Armor Class: 17 = 10 +2 [leather] +5 [dexterity] Touch AC: 15Flat-footed: 12Fortitude save: +1 = 0 [base] +1 [constitution] Reflex save: +7 = 2 [base] +5 [dexterity] Will save: +0 = 0 [base] Languages: Aquan Auran Common Ignan Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]Short Sword [1d6, crit 19-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]Shortbow [1d6, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 2 lb., piercing]Leather armor [light; +2 AC; max dex +6; check penalty 0; 15 lb.] Feats:Blind-fight, Dodge, Inattentive[flaw]Traits: Quick Balance Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Climb Str* 7 = +3 +4 Disable Device Int 7 = +3 +4 Escape Artist Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Hide Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Jump Str* 11 = +3 +4 +4 [speed 40] Move Silently Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Open Lock Dex 9 = +5 +4 Sleight of Hand Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Tumble Dex* 9 = +5 +4 Use Rope Dex 9 = +5 +4
Seems acceptable.
Hey all i am here
Tank you ^.^
Anything for you, Noobs.
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