"Anyone up for me just sending a skeleton into town to grab some kids? Because this first plan failed." Man, you guys play waaaaaaayyyy into the morning, i ACTULLY sleep.
Here's my character, ready for approval oh mighty DM:
Name:Tolby Udorlidmat PlayeresertHyena Age:33 Sex:Male Looks:evil, demonic, and obviously not nice, yet surprisingly good looking... Religion:Hextor Alignment:Lawful Evil Race:Supercalifragilisticespialidocious Devil (fufakezutha) Class:Cleric Level:1 Level Equivalency:1 Attributes: Str 12(1) Dex 12(1) Con 10(0) Int 10(0) Wis 16(3) Cha 12(1) Saves:Fortitude(2),Reflex(1),Will(5) Hit points:8 Attack:+1(both) Damage:1-8+1 AC:16 Features:Immunity to Fire and Poison, Resistance 10 (acid and cold), See in darkness, Turn Undead Feats:Improved Turning, Acrobatic (he wanted to be a dancer) Flaw:For a devil, he is forwned upon by his kin, and so he is treated like a human in the abyss. (he cannot use his summon or telepathy abilities) Skillsiplomacy 7, Heal 7, Jump 5, Tumble 5 Equipment:Trident, Chainmail. Holy symbol of Hextor, 4 potions of cure light wounds, and Adventurer' Kit