"I will! Don't worry, we'll find her! I mean, there's nowhere for her to go!" As soon as the helmsman's voice recedes, he opens up the lid again. "Give me something," he whispers as quietly as possible. "Some hair, a piece of clothing, anything."
Ooookkaaayy... He takes the shirt and hides it as best he can. Then he puts the lid back on. "Helmsman! I don't think there's anything to find down here! I'll go check the bow!"
... Helmsman: "Aye, check the captin's cabin while yer at it, she maybe in thar if... well never mind why she'd be in thar! *talking to the crew* Ya turn up anythin' yet lads?"
Crew: "No, sir, no sign of that pig yet!"
Helmsman: "Well, I wouldn't call 'er a pig, but she be a dirty one, no doubt!"
Crew: "'Ow do ya know it's a she?"
Helmsman: "OY, can ye not tell the difference between male and female? It's all in the plumbin' lads!"
Crew: "the plumbin? Where'd that be located sir?"
Helmsman: "..............JUST KEEP LOOKIN' FOR 'ER, YA NITWITS!!!"
Crew: "But just how..."
Crew: "Aye aye sir!"
Helmsman: "Argh, this crew be a goodin, but they 'ave **** for brains, I feel like the captin, splittin 'eadache and all."
"I know what you mean," Demetrius says. "Leading a bunch of retards is tricky business. I don't know how I managed to not cut off their heads." He heads towards the bow, and when no one else is looking, plants the shirt there to make it look like she jumped overboard.