Helmsman: "A WOMAN! That's bad luck, mates. Say, ye look familiar aren't ye the... I mean ye be the one was with the captin back in Newport, eh, eh know what I mean? We told ya ye can't be on board, it be bad luck, though the captin seemed to enjoy... never mind, it not be me place to say..."
"Wait," Demetrius says to the Helmsman. "Give her a chance to explain herself. Keelhauling is not necessary in any case. Women should be given the same rights as men."
In that case, he'd just switch his grip to her neck if possible. And keep in mind he has a sword to her throat...even if she transformed, she'd be impaled. Also, Demetrius is pretty much on your side. He just wants to know what you're doing.
No, he wouldn't. He would either grapple, and get her arms behind her back or some other way of stopping her, or deal nonlethal damage to her until she falls unconscious. He never kills unless he has a reasonable amount of proof that they're guilty.
*Sound of dice rolling* The boar manages to get away from Demetrius, but now the crew see there is a 'boar' on 'boar'. It's like trying to catch a greased pig, who has tusks and is on a deck full of ropes and stuff with a bunch of weakling halflings trying to catch it... They're not having much luck here...
Kind of a waste of Wild Shape, but whatever. She manages to find a barrel below deck, and ducks in that. Being a halfling, she easily fits. *Sound of dice rolling* Nobody can seem to find her, but of course most of the crew is looking for what they think is a dumb animal, so they'e not looking that hard.
Demetrius looks for her too. He knows who he's looking for, so it should be easier. Also, he doesn't correct the crew. He knows that if they catch her, she'll be keelhauled, and he believes that is unnecessary punishment and a severe overreaction.
what collar? never mind... *Sound of dice rolling* Demetrius is also having trouble locating Holly, (that ok for a nickname?) but eventually he comes up to the barrel she's hiding in. He opens it, and what does he find, I wonder?