"Good sir, and what exactly did you do to kill all these Ogres? I am curious to know." In a fake overly interested tone. "He did nothing. In fact, he made us wait before we saved you."
Demetrius scowls. "You did nothing to kill them either, Holly. And I did not know who he was. He could have been evil, or in collusion with the giants and pretending to run." "And if I remember correctly, the group saved you, not the other way around."
"And if I remember correctly, the group saved you, not the other way around."
"And the only reason I needed saving was because your friend there *gestures towards Crona* decided it would be fun to poison gas all the Ogres as well as me. You cannot deny that."
"And the only reason I needed saving was because your friend there *gestures towards Crona* decided it would be fun to poison gas all the Ogres as well as me. You cannot deny that."
"Actually, as I recall it, when we found you, you were running away from the Ogres and screaming like a little girl!"
His hand starts glowing like a rainbow :O "Because they are stupid and would follow a lone target out of a fortress.Any spells I cast in there would wake up everything in there."