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All of her books are packed up so she can move, remember?
You can explore the town, or go to Baldur's Gate.
Is the weather still hell?
Where is Crona anyways.
Meh, Crona goes back into the brothel and finds something to do.
Was at the magical appraiser's.
Zankul cuddles close to Shalla for warmth and sits in the street.
Unpleasantly cold (45), but the hail stopped.
"Unless you find a fire, I'm staying here."
Demetrius looks around for a warm place. An inn, maybe?
There is the Tavern/Brothel by the docks, or will you look for other places?
There are 3 Taverns (1 of which is higher quality), a traveler's inn, a few scattered restaurants and a Mage's Guild.
Crona goes to the one by the docks.
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