Assuming no one resists, you are all cuffed, chained and transferred to the local prison, where both humans go into one cxell and Shall into a cage that was probably only built for a larger dog. The atmosphere is dark, bleak and desolate, and the fele of the air seemzs to suck the heat out of you; the whole area, including the ground and air, is very humid or damp, and the cold is unforgiving.
Also, you were all stripped of everything you had and given burlap pants and a shirt that was probably once a potato sack.
Also, you were all stripped of everything you had and given burlap pants and a shirt that was probably once a potato sack.
Dam you, I didn't even have much stuff. Crona seems rather comfortable in this environment, although he/she keeps pulling on the shirt and letting out small noises of displeasure. Q:"What are we going to do, we'll have a criminal record I don't think I know how to deal with being a criminal."