Loco, you should list how many points you put into each skill.
ok so with the heavy steel i'll get +2 AC? or is it something else, it's kinda hard to find what it is
Your AC has already been calculated as you with a buckler, which is AC +1.The heavy steel shield is AC +2, so your AC would be 1 point higher than it is. So yes, you're right, your AC would be 20. Good job.
The problem with wood is..... IT CATCHES ON FIRE. Noobs just said I got hit with a Fireball and anything I was wearing that was flammable was on fire, so we know he uses that rule.
The problem with wood is..... IT CATCHES ON FIRE. Noobs just said I got hit with a Fireball and anything I was wearing that was flammable was on fire, so we know he uses that rule
ok i'm getting rid of it and going mithril
Name:Sithisl Player:Loco5 Age: 50 Sex:Male Race:Lizardfolk Class:Thug Description: 6'9" tall, 230 lbs, medium-light build, Greenish-grey scales, large scar on his left arm which he tries to keep visible Level:12 Alignment:CN Hit Points: 115/115. Str:17(+3) Dex: 9[-1] Con: 18(+4) Int: 14(+2) Wis: 10[+/-0] Cha: 13[+1] BAB: +12/+7/+2 AC: 21 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +4 Bite[1d4], Claw[1d4x2]. Damage: 1d10+3[Dwarven Waraxe], 1d4+3 nonlethal[Bolas]. Feats: Exotic weapon prof, Power attack, Alertness, Cleave, Weapon Focus [Exotic] Class Feats: Armor Proficiency[Light], Weapon Proficiency[Simple, Martial]. Skills: climb, swim, jump, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Intimidate, Search, Use Rope, Survival Weapons: Dwarven Waraxe(masterwork), Bolas(masterwork). Equipment:Scale mail (mithral), heavy steel shield (Mithiril, animated), Ring (Ram) GP:22875
Demetrius stands and starts towards the door."Who are you?"
QW:"W-w-w-why are you h-h-helping us."
MS:"All will be explained in due time , now please go retrieve your belongings."
E: "Thank you very much."He goes downstairs.
Same description as before, it looks like a murderer and a tornado combined into one and went through the room.
FlagThe problem with wood is..... IT CATCHES ON FIRE. Noobs just said I got hit with a Fireball and anything I was wearing that was flammable was on fire, so we know he uses that rule.
I said 'easily combustible or soft wood', you obviously wouldn't make a shield out of either of those.