She has said that a few times so far. Is it his catch phrase?
What are you talking about, Crona usually doesn't know how to deal with situations involving people. She/he has the personality of a bleeding toaster oven.
Name:Sithisl Player:Loco5 Age: They age like half elves, I think. Sex:Male Race:Lizardfolk Class:Thug Level:12 Alignment:CN Hit Points: 115/115. Str:17(+3) Dex: 9[-1] Con: 18(+4) Int: 14(+2) Wis: 10[+/-0] Cha: 13[+1] BAB: +12/+7/+2 AC: 19 Fort: +12 Ref: +3 Will: +4 Bite[1d4], Claw[1d4x2]. Damage: 1d10+3[Dwarven Waraxe], 1d4+3 nonlethal[Bolas]. Feats: You get 3 more feats. Exotic weapon prof, Power attack Class Feats: Armor Proficiency[Light], Weapon Proficiency[Simple, Martial]. Skills: You have 90 points, to distribute among as many skills as you want. Here's a list of skills. Weapons: Dwarven Waraxe, Bolas. Equipment:Scale mail, buckler Languages: Common, Dragonic. Pick 2 extra languages
My sheet is easier to read. You have to admit that.
Well, i assumed that the way the Elf went was back downstairs, so I said I went there.....ifail..... Zankul follows the Elf, still ready to rip him in half.
please please please please! what if he encounter deathclaws! i need to kill them in one shot!
I can create a homebrew musket if you want.
FlagWell, i assumed that the way the Elf went was back downstairs, so I said I went there.....ifail.....Zankul follows the Elf, still ready to rip him in half.
The Elf is talking to 2 people, who look familiar.