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E: So, her form is an illusionary disguise?"
if that was directed at me, i don't speak elf
Q"Ahh, is she a clone in disguise?" This is why I do not like having multiple tabs open.
Ril E:"Yes, just temporary though. When was the last time you saw an Elf with green hair?"MS E:"To make any descriptions unbelievable, I was thinking of pink or a purple, but that's too identifying and ominous."
MS E:"To make any descriptions unbelievable, I was thinking of pink or a purple, but that's too identifying and ominous."
E: "Well, my skin is kind of green. Some people are just different."
Dude I think we posted at like literally the exact same second, cause your post showed up on my screen at the same time as mine.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we did....... That is happening a lot lately.......Shalla comfortingly nudges Crona.
seeing he doesn't get a reply Sithisl orders a stronger drink and resumes sitting
Also, when speaking a language that incorporates hissing (like Draconic), you don't have to show hissing in it.
Crona looks a bit less sad and pets the kitty, that could easily rip her in two.
good it's already annoyin
[quote]if that was directed at me, i don't speak elf
Crona now looks down with a very very sad sad panda look, VQW:"I have pink air."
sirnoobs whats your email, i'll send it
MS E:"Well, I just didn't want anybody else getting punished for what I did, so I made it uncommon."
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