Eveyrone: The ship is steadily engulfed, along with everything on it.
Normal vision (humans): Before you, you can see what appears to be a dimly illuminated city, the faint light casting a vague reflection on the water surrounding the hsip. There is no light, and you can see nothing around you except any nearby lamps onboard the ship, the rlflection of the city on the water, and the city itself.
Low-light vision: You can make out the entire ship around you and your sight extends well past you and into the water; Above, you cansee it is what seems to be a giant cavern, and you can faintly see other ships not very far away. Also, Based on the water's shape and flow it seems like a slbig, slow-moving river.
Darkvision: [i]Applies to none of you, I save myself the time and explain it to myself.[/i\\
Note: The normal vision description also applies to low-light.