Swashbuckler would be a great class for the captain, just saying. But as far as the "higher level than the others" thing goes, that's not really fair. Let's not do that.
Just saying. But yeah, if you all want to be the same level there are three possible choices.
Go on.
Not necessarily.
High charisma, high intelligence, good grasp of the concepts involved... Paladin is also a great leader class, but they're LG only, so it doesn't work for pirates.
anywho, my tiefling will be a wandering thief who sometimes plays murderer, sometimes robin hood (chaotic neutral). He was once attacked by a lone Aasimar and he was nearly killed by it until some grateful villagers helped him and (mostly) cured him. ever since he's had a phobia of them.
Robin Hood is the exemplar of Chaotic Good....
Anywho, on the topic of that prestige class you found, DBS?
I will, but I'm not even on my own computer right now. I should be able to resume the game on Sunday.
Oh, okay. By Sunday you mean tomorrow right, not next Sunday? I am forgetting the US National Anthem verses that nobody sings. I took the time to memorize them over the summer and now they're slipping! But the good news is, I finally got a decent translation of Aegukga.