Here's the new forum for D&D, I saved you the trouble.For anyone who wants to join here, see the other D&D forum for information.
Hey, guys I am present at the moment. I see we are discussing whether or not we are going with the pirate theme...
Forget it Holladay, this thing is as good as dead.
Just the theme right? so, your just going t plan out a different module.
This is back on, and we are starting as the Sadistic Causers of Havic Mayhem and Evil.
Lizard Folk thug CE?
:O What level?
What level, as Noob said?Also, Noob, your thread?
For the third time, what level?
I'm thinking of doing a Gray Elf Specialist Wizard (Evocation) (Variant)/ Red Wizard. was a long ride here...
:O What level? What level, as Noob said? For the third time, what level?Also, Noob, your thread?
What level can a Wizard take Red Wizard?
I don't know. What book is it in?
yo, i'm here, wheres my sheet?
Idk I don't really care what level I'll go with w.e everyone else prefer.
Thread is locked!