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My initiative is suffering terribly at present, when will the mission most likely begin?
I would prefer it be the players' choices as to how their sheets are rather than the DM's choice.
lol I forgot how funn your pictures were hyper btw is my CS acceptable to you? from the thread you are Dming?
Bulldogs and shih tzus, the DM is the one who has to actually read and apply the character sheets the most, by far. The choice is theirs.
What classes and races do we already have, again?
I think Lizard Thug.
Hyper, their is some Anti-Druid Prestige Class that looked pretty good. We need a Healer, anyway.
Name: Johnny CashPlayer: Holladay15Age: 35Gender: MaleDescription: Silver nose ring, leather jacket with studs on the shoulders, green giant lizardRace: LizardClass: ThugLevel:1Level Equivalency:1Alignment:Deity:Languages:------Attributes----------Str: 20 (4) Racial bonus +2Dex: 13 (2)Con: 15 (3) Racial bonus +2Int: 11 (2) Racial bonus (-2)Wis: 9 (-1)Cha: 9 (-1)Fort Save:Ref Save: +3 Racial bonus save +3Will Save:Hit Points:Attack Bonus: Damage Bonus:Base Attack Bonus: Racial bonus +1AC:------------------Equipment-------------------------------Clothing: Studded LeatherOff Hand: DaggerPrimary Hand: 2 Spiked GaunletsMiscellaneous:GP:-------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------Feats: Combat Reflexes, PersuasiveFlaws:Class Feats: Skills: Urban Tracking [4], Bluff [4], Climb [4], Intimidate [4], Gather Information [4], Jump [4 Racial Bonus], Swim [4 Racial bonus]Balance [4 Racial bonus]
I don't wanna. Ask someone else. And seriously?
[quote] Bulldogs and shih tzus, the DM is the one who has to actually read and apply the character sheets the most, by far. The choice is theirs.
Change the name, we are lvl 6.....
No comment on my awesome awesome new swear?Bulldogs and shihtzus! I love it.
So I should play a Cleric?I was going to play a Ravager, but cleric is fine too
You ****ed ninja *****.....Very good and you where the second one to call a roll, so you deserve to be a Ravager.
Name: Hazrath QuestriaPlayer: DragonAge: 27Sex: MRace: HumanClass: Wizard (Specialist Vairiant) 5, Red WizardLevel: 6Alignment: CEHit Points: 21Str: 12Dex: 17Con: 13Int: 19Wis: 15Cha: 16App: 16BAB: +2AC: 15Fort: +3Ref: +5Will: +9Feats: Tattoo Focus, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Enlarge Spell, Spell Penetration, Spell Focus (Evocation)Flaws: Noncombatant, ShakyTraits: Spellgifted (Evocation)Skills: Concentration 9, Spellcraft 9, Knowledge (Arcana and Planes) 9, Decipher Script 9, Bluff 4.5Features: Energy Affinity (Fire), Energy Substitution, Improved Specialization (Evocation), Prohibited Schools (Abjuration, Enchantment, Transmutation), Specialist Defense +1Languages: Common, Undercommon, Elven, Ignan, AuranEquipment: Ring of Protection +1, Bracers of Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, 2000 gpSpells:Lvl 0: 4/day, all knownLvl 1: 4/day, Burning Hands, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Floating Disk, Identify, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, VentriloquismLvl 2: 4/day, Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Scorching RayLvl 3: 3/day, Fireball, Lightningbolt, Rage, Suggestion
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