I'd prefer not to kill anybody, but I just wanted to know if it was an option. I also realize that if I try, my character is just as likely to die as the other is.
So that and other non-major details (major details being LA-race abilities, attribute bonuses, etc.) would apply?
I'm not sure, let me check.
Clerics can be Tanks, too.
I guess.
I'd prefer not to kill anybody, but I just wanted to know if it was an option. I also realize that if I try, my character is just as likely to die as the other is.
Yeah, you guys can try to be chummy. Even evil people can be friends.
I'd prefer not to kill anybody, but I just wanted to know if it was an option. I also realize that if I try, my character is just as likely to die as the other is.
OK. Just remember, I've broken character before so that I wouldn't have to put your character in a ****storm.
I hate breaking character and if my guy would blast a Firebolt through your back when you aren't looking, I would rather be able to decide if he did that than not be able to.
I hate breaking character and if my guy would blast a Firebolt through your back when you aren't looking, I would rather be able to decide if he did that than not be able to.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Persuasive, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude, Endurance Class Feats: Urban Tracking
5 HD, lvl 3 Thug, you have 3 Feats, not 7.....
Common and Draconic
True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil, you choose.
Tiamat would be a good choice. She is the Queen of all Evil Dragons. Also, she is five headed and the daughter of the top Dragon god.
Off Hand: Dagger
Switch it out for a Kukri or a Short Sword. The Kukri is a curved dagger that is slightly better at criticals and the Shortsword is a big dagger that deals a bit more damage.
Fort Save: Ref Save: +3 Racial bonus save +3 Will Save:
Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +0
Hit Points:
Attack Bonus: Damage Bonus: Base Attack Bonus: Racial bonus +1
Attack Bonus: +9 Damage Bonus: +5 Base Attack Bonus: +4
Race: Lizard Class: Thug Level:6 Level Equivalency:6
Name: Tony Russo Player: Holladay15 Age: 35 Gender: Male Description: Silver nose ring, leather jacket with studs on the shoulders, green giant lizard Race: Lizardfolk Class: Humanoid 2/Thug 3 Level:5 Level Equivalency:6 Alignment: CE Deity: Tiamat Languages: Common, Draconic ------Attributes---------- Str: 20 (4) Racial bonus +2 Dex: 13 (2) Con: 15 (3) Racial bonus +2 Int: 11 (1) Racial bonus (-2) Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 9 (-1) Fort Save:+5 Ref Save: +5 +3 Racial bonus save +3 Will Save: +0 Hit Points: 49 Attack Bonus: +9 Damage Bonus: +5 Base Attack Bonus: +4 Racial bonus +1 AC: ------------------Equipment------------------------------- Clothing: Studded Leather Off Hand: Kukri Primary Hand: 2 Spiked Gaunlets Miscellaneous: GP: -------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------ Feats: Combat Reflexes, Persuasive Flaws: Class Feats: Urban Tracking Skills: Bluff [6], Climb [4], Intimidate [6], Gather Information [6], Jump [4 Racial Bonus], Swim [4 Racial bonus] Balance [4 Racial bonus], Knowledge (Local) [5]
I have to go to class, so I won't review the Skills, but I am sure they are very, very wrong.
Yeah, your right... I actually had left over points. Thanks btw dragon, but like really chill a bit dude like I 'm sorry i don't have as much experience as you, but it doesn't give you the right to make me look like an idiot, seriously.