Q: "Go **** yourself, *****......." He'll get over this after a while. "Love you too. And Firebrandy if they have it, Shem.
Shem walks back over to the bar(I assume he has just reached it when the cold water happens). He leans on the counter next to the Million Dollar Man. "Hello, my good man!" he says, jokingly. "One firebrandy, any drink I haven't tried yet, and the biggest towel or dishcloth you have, please...I'll return it."
"Hello, my good man!" he says, jokingly. "One firebrandy, any drink I haven't tried yet, and the biggest towel or dishcloth you have, please...I'll return it."
The Gnome Laughs, "ha, anything for you, and by the looks of it your friends seem alright also." M:"This round is on me." G:"Really, that's a bit odd for you, but whatever I give up trying to use your logic." He goes and gets your drinks. The odd drink out is a clear liquid.
The Gnome Laughs, "ha, anything for you, and by the looks of it your friends seem alright also." M:"This round is on me." G:"Really, that's a bit odd for you, but whatever I give up trying to use your logic." He goes and gets your drinks. The odd drink out is a clear liquid.
"Thank you, sir," Shem says to the man. "I'd offer to repay your hospitality, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Maybe later." He smiles, takes the drinks and the cloth, slides the bartender another tip, and walks back to the table.
Shem slides the firebrandy across the table to Tala and sets his own weird drink down as well. "HEY!" he yells, snapping his finger in front of her face.
"Thank you, sir," Shem says to the man. "I'd offer to repay your hospitality, but I'm a bit busy at the moment. Maybe later." He smiles, takes the drinks and the cloth, slides the bartender another tip, and walks back to the table.
"Alright, tell me when you guys are done with your tantrum."
The spell points you to a chestnut haired, Elven woman sulking in a booth halfway across the bar.
Tala snaps from her thoughtful stance and downs the Firebrandy in one large swig, before it can set in, she gets up, walks around the tavern so as to stay out of the Elf woman's line of sight, picks up the neqrest bar stool and breaks it over the Elf's head; she then feints a drunken stumble and catches herself on a table.