"Fine, I don't have to know why. But please don't pull stunts like that anymore, that's the last thing we need." He taps the table and looks around. "****, she's gone! If you need a minute, take a minute. Just please don't do let it happen again." Shem waves slightly and follows Tala out of the tavern. "You know I have to return that towel."
When you walk back my guy is there sighing at this.
Shem grabs his drink from off the table, and sits back down at the bar(deciding that it is probably smarter to leave Dragon's character alone). He returns the towel to the bartender then downs the drink.
Shem grabs his drink from off the table, and sits back down at the bar(deciding that it is probably smarter to leave Dragon's character alone). He returns the towel to the bartender then downs the drink.
"*Sigh* this is gonna be harder then I thought. I wouldn't drink that if I were you."