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Tala tries to gather all the dead guy's pieces together.N if I did get a Familiar throug a feat, would I count as a Lvl 8 caster from 8 levels of Assassin?
Slay Living, Wall of Stone ad Plane Shift would be my top 3choices.
Nosrsly, I want a Familiar. Would I be Lvl 8 caster?
Actually good choices.
All right, I guess I'll go with Slay Living.
Good choice, not yo best, but good one.
1:WallB:PlaneshiftGamma:Slay living
So, what are you all doing?
"I think we should see what the note says."
Alright, I'm going to take a shower, be back in a bit.
Alright, I'm back. Is anyone else here?
I'm still here, but I doubt either of the others are.....
Well, what does your chick do?
So does she go look at the note, or is she asking the others.
Thread is locked!