Name:Pannan Age:16 Sex:M Looks:Young,6'7", brown eyes, black hair, scar going down one eye Alignment:Chaotic Evil Race:Half-orc Class:Barbarian Level:5 Level Equivelency:5? Attributes:? Str:18 Dex:12 Con:14 Int:9 Wis:9 Cha:11 Saves: Fortitude 6 , Reflex 2 , Will 0 Hit Points:51 Attack:? Damage:? AC:15 Features:? (please use from my sheet, but idk how to put on here) Feats:? (same as above) Skills:? (same) Equipment:Adventurer's Kit, Scimitar, Javelin, Light steel shield, Great axe, Candle, Firewood (1 day) x1, Flint and steel
Name: Drasul Nightshane Age: 150 Sex:M Looks: Medium-long dark hair, 5'7", piercing blue eyes, small scar to left of left eye Alignment: Neutral Evil Race:Elf Class:Assassino (Italian :P) Level:5 Level Equivelency:5 Attributes: Str 12 Dex: 20 (+2) (is the number on the left what i rolled+ the racial bonus? ) Con 14 (-2) (same question) Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 13 Saves: Fortitude 1 , Reflex 4 , Will 1 Hit Points:? Attack:?? (+4 bonus) Damage:? AC:? Features i can fill this out but what are you asking for?) Featsthe same, i found all the stuff i need but i need to know what goes where) Skills:see above Equipmentanything else i get?) Adventurer's Kit
i'll take a shot at feats and skills, but i have no idea what features is asking for. . Name: Drasul Nightshane Age: 150 Sex:M Looks: Medium-long dark hair, 5'7", piercing blue eyes, small scar to left of left eye Alignment: Neutral Evil Race:Elf Class:Assassino (Italian :P) Level:5 Level Equivelency:5 Attributes: Str 12 Dex: 20 (+2) (is the number on the left what i rolled+ the racial bonus? ) Con 14 (-2) (same question) Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 13 Saves: Fortitude 1 , Reflex 4 , Will 1, +2 Poison Hit Points:? Attack:?? (+4 bonus) Damage:? AC:? Features i can fill this out but what are you asking for?) Feats: Sneak Attack (+3d6), Death Attack (?), Improved uncanny dodge Skills:Hide, Bluff, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Escape Artist, Balance, Disable Device, use poison Equipmentanything else i get?) Adventurer's Kit
No, see the question right next to it. I rolled a 18 but wasn't sure whether or not to add the racial modifier or just leave it as is and put modifier on the side.