You need to put the level of your skills...and what class was your character before he prestiged into an assassin? Also; is it okay with everyone if I move this game to another site for convenience? If you guys don't like it, we can move back here, but I want to try something new out.
Name: Drasul Nightshane Age: 150 Sex:M Looks: Medium-long dark hair, 5'7", piercing blue eyes, small scar to left of left eye Alignment: Neutral Evil Race:Elf Class:Assassino (Italian :P) Level:5 Level Equivelency:5 Attributes: Str 12 Dex: 20 (+2) (is the number on the left what i rolled+ the racial bonus? ) Con 14 (-2) (same question) Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 13 Saves: Fortitude 1 , Reflex 4 , Will 1, +2 Poison Hit Points:? Attack:?? (+4 bonus) Damage:? AC:? Features i can fill this out but what are you asking for?) Feats: Sneak Attack (+3d6), Death Attack (?), Improved uncanny dodge Skills:Hide (4), Bluff(8), Move Silently(8), Sense Motive(2), Escape Artist(5), Balance(3), use poison (class feature) (1) Equipmentanything else i get?) Adventurer's Kit
Have you ever played before? The BAB is in the PH. Basically, your attack roll is 1d20+BAB+Str mod. Capisce? The higher your level, the higher your BAB, and it varies from class to class what your BAB is just like it varies what your FRW saves are.
shoot we have nothing better to do with this forum
Okay, here's the site. You have to make a profile, but I do not think it will be that much of a hassle.
Have you ever played before? The BAB is in the PH. Basically, your attack roll is 1d20+BAB+Str mod. Capisce? The higher your level, the higher your BAB, and it varies from class to class what your BAB is just like it varies what your FRW saves are.
I know what it is, just wasn't quite sure how it was relevant.