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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
158 posts


566 posts

But it was a good analogy, and adding to the story isn't really changing it. I was answering the questions that you had about the situation.
If you didn't want me to add more to it, then you shouldn't have asked questions.

If you have to add things to cover up the holes....then yes it is changing it.

I didn't say anything in the chat rooms while I was playing, unless they asked me something. The main reason why I was on Exit Path was to practice, the looking to see if people would label me as a hacker was a test. Looks like it was a success too.
But that isn't trolling, since I didn't do anything to make them say those things to me. I was simply playing the game, racing, which is what the game was made for.

You raced the same people several times, knowing they would respond to you winning and call you a hacker (instead of, you know, leaving those *clearly* uncivilized and immature people to themselves and looking for better players).

Playing all those matches takes time, which means that they are experienced.

A normal race takes under a minute to complete.

Time hack is the 00.00 thing. I've seen it several times. I've never seen the clock end up at 00.00 on any match that didn't include a hacker in the room.

I see you're still hung up on my way of wording things instead of actually adressing my point. Just because a hack of something exists, that doesn't mean glitch of similar nature can't exist in the game (the 00.00 vs. the actual glitching of the clock).

Also, I already granted you the 00.00 right below that post.

If you played the levels that I played with the person, then you'd think otherwise. The player was using flow throughout the whole level, and I know the person wasn't tapping flow because the player would hit blocks/walls and still go very fast. And using that full bar at the beginning of the race doesn't matter.
I mentioned that the player was also able to flow through the whole maze.

Again, who's to say that wasn't a very rare glitch?

Use better words, then.

There wouldn't be a problem if I you'd actually read my posts.

Here's what you said:

Can't hug a wall on Exit Path, unless you use the stick glitch. But that's not what this discussion is for, we are talking about racing, not tricks.

Hugging a wall generally refers to staying close to said wall. Since double jumping normally requires blocks nearby, I was referencing that in my post.

But I already stated my point further up.

From how they act in chat, they aren't.
Cursing at another player for finishing quickly is not civilized nor mature.

ZOMG NOOB HAXOR!!1111, (insert curse words here), (copy and pastes hacker a million times in chat box every match)
That's stupid.

You admit you did it then. Cool.

It had nothing to do with the start of the discussion.
The start of the discussion was me posting about people calling me a hacker, then the posting about an actual hacker on the game was seperate.


Ghosts chat, and all the arguments we've had.

Riiiiiight, so why would I argue with you, if that were the reason for this supposed hate of mine? To hate you even more? Seems like a lot of wasted energy.

So, since those things could also apply to you, I'm guessing you hate me then?

As for the links, I already granted you the 00.00 time hack. And about the "flow hacker", as I said, same arguments apply.

The second link also gives a perfect example of people calling something a cheat without knowing what it is (I'm talking about the "null glitch" someone mentioned).


Sorry, but you were the one calling me his obsessed Internet Stalker that also hates him.

to explain their opinion.
^ Quoted from you a page back.

So you aren't going to actually post something from the argument, but instead fault me for saying the word opinion(instead of say, argument)? Awesome.

I wanted examples from this argument, that show I tried to force any sort of opinion on you.

To add to this, from how you're posting, it does seem like you're forcing your opinion on the matter onto me. Our opinions aren't the same within this discussion, which is why this discussion has lasted so long.

More baseless accusations. But I'd sure love to know what you -think- my opinion is.

It isn't forcing my opinion on another individual, and I wasn't being arrogant. I was posting about something that I notice in the game while I play.

Nice save, but *from how you're posting, it does seem like you were trying to force your opinion on the matter onto him.*

Again, what someone considers cheating can be a very subjective thing, but I'll leave it at that.

I can't, since I'm only here to defend myself.

Noone is stopping you from suggesting a different topic.

New things such as?

New shortcuts, as well as new glitches. Granted I can't say what KIND of glitches or routes, since me knowing such things would be a bit of a paradox.

This is very true. Man up and hold back the (not so manly?) tears when that level 5 poster refuses to give you kudos and calls you a hacker, it's not much.

If any girls under 12 play the game (even 13-14ish) they can be traumatized fairly easily by creeps over the internet.

I usually end up muting half the room each match, and find it a relief to be with GMs who are typically somewhat polite.

I think the problem lies in that the game allows for a lot of anonymity while playing. And while I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it certainly leads to more people using guest accounts just for the sake of trolling. Not like anyone knows who they are.

Not sure how one could solve the problem though, apart from the obvious mute-every-stupid-person.
185 posts

aw no npcs

452 posts

aw no npcs
Haha, the buzz saws, spikes and axes aren't player controlled .
33 posts

What if I have Screen Shots of actual users (mostly < 30) or guests with the same appearances and save records as popular players?

I'm guessing that AG has some rules against slander, inappropriate, sexual language, grossly inappropriate conduct. The inappropriate stuff I've heard said to me (I'm a big girl, doesn't matter too much) or other younger girls that play is ridiculous. If darwin37 can get IP banned for multiple accounts, it seems fairly reasonable that hardcore sexually explicit threats should at the very least warrant similar punishment.

That would mean something. The chatroom isn't monitered period, and though a lot of dumb things are said, the stuff I've seen targeting female/gay players is quite sickening at time. Perhaps IPs can be matched up with some sort of red flag counter? Each person can give another runner a red flag. After 30-40 or so flags within a day, the poster will be temporarily banned? Or, the user will not be allowed to type things, period.

There are many other potential solutions to this, and I sure hope that I don't need to provide answers to the "woman up, just mute them and move on, missy" argument.

5,340 posts

[quote]This is very true. Man up and hold back the (not so manly?) tears when that level 5 poster refuses to give you kudos and calls you a hacker, it's not much.[quote]

lol you know whats funny? even thought they call you hacker and they are sure you are hacking. they still give you kudos XD i guess it already became an instinct to give kusods to the winner XP

15,595 posts

This is very true. Man up and hold back the (not so manly?) tears when that level 5 poster refuses to give you kudos and calls you a hacker, it's not much.

I wasn't complaining about them calling me a hacker. I was showing that they do call people hackers without asking questions first. They jumped to conclusions.

I would probably feel the same way if I wasn't in this discussion.
You raced the same people several times, knowing they would respond to you winning and call you a hacker (instead of, you know, leaving those *clearly* uncivilized and immature people to themselves and looking for better players).

It's because of the testing purpose. After I gathered the screen-shots, I left the room. I went to login to my account after posting on this thread with those screen-shots.
A normal race takes under a minute to complete.

To play 180 matches with that time each race would take three hours.
Plus the time in the lobby, unless you are already counting that.
I see you're still hung up on my way of wording things instead of actually adressing my point. Just because a hack of something exists, that doesn't mean glitch of similar nature can't exist in the game (the 00.00 vs. the actual glitching of the clock).

Have fun.
Again, who's to say that wasn't a very rare glitch?

A few very experienced players, actually. Read my post on the previous page to see the links.
There wouldn't be a problem if I you'd actually read my posts.

I'm reading them, this is just going in circles.
You admit you did it then.

I admit they were acting uncivilized and immature. And saying those things in chat a lot if rather stupid.
So, since those things could also apply to you, I'm guessing you hate me then?

Defending myself in a discussion =/= disliking another individual.
But I'd sure love to know what you -think- my opinion is.

Read all the pages from this discussion.
Noone is stopping you from suggesting a different topic.

There's 158 pages of Exit Path talk. I can't think of anything that hasn't already discussed.
15,595 posts

Back to the beginning of this discussion, since I never read your reason on this. Why don't you think that those people were being uncivilized and immature? Why don't you think what they were saying is stupid?

3 posts

If you don't want to get grief for being a woman on the internet, don't include something like 'rincess' in your username and don't tell people that you're female. It really is that easy.

With regards to being called a hacker, I get called a hacker every 2 or 3 games and it doesn't bother me at all. I also rarely get kudos when I'm playing. It's a non issue. The game is so old that I'm only playing it to pass the time, not to level up or whatever.

This is also why I play as a guest 99% of the time. It's too much hassle to hold conversations in the 10 seconds between rounds.

3 posts

Back to the beginning of this discussion, since I never read your reason on this. Why don't you think that those people were being uncivilized and immature? Why don't you think what they were saying is stupid?

It's a flash game on the internet. The majority of people are children in school. Of course most people are going to be idiots.
15,595 posts

It's a flash game on the internet. The majority of people are children in school. Of course most people are going to be idiots.

Okay. But I was asking Kenty why he thought different. From what I have showed him, I wonder why he doesn't think that they were acting uncivilized and immature.
20 posts

I really hate Marathon. Its so annoying i always lose cuz people use the shortcut but it takes me forever to get the shortcut.
But my fav is Wombat

3 posts

I really hate Marathon. Its so annoying i always lose cuz people use the shortcut but it takes me forever to get the shortcut.
But my fav is Wombat

Learn this route.
15,595 posts

I really hate Marathon. Its so annoying i always lose cuz people use the shortcut but it takes me forever to get the shortcut.

Practice makes perfect. (figure of speech, for all you serious people that don't get that)
IF you practice it, then you'll surely get better at the map.
I posted an updated version of the guide here, just scroll down.
25 posts

I wish we could have an actual tournament to have some idea of a top 10 or whatever.

Showing 1546-1560 of 2838