Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
The first time I came to AG I didn't have an account yet and Exit Path was the first game I played. I got all the caution signs and finished in like 25 minutes. I got grandmaster on multiplayer and then I made an account.
When i first started playing EP, I didn't touch Uniplayer.(started with multi right away) and The first time i did Uni was around september and i got a 5:35 :P.
Hmm. I was different. I went into uniplayer just to see what the game was, then moved into multiplayer when I got done with uniplayer.
Thats too long....
Yes, well, I remember on some multiplayer maps when I would play with TroppO, Cero, 1000words & iWillWaitForYou, we would spend around twenty minutes on some of the longer levels just doing tricks and messing around. xD
@TroppP: Lol. I couldn't do that. That level is too short to spend so much time on. . only levels that I could spend around twenty minutes on just messing around would have to be Marathon, Slip & Slide, Over & Under, Maze, Death Wall, Unfriendly Teleporters and sometimes even Descending.
All of those are great for performing tricks and just running around on.
Yes, well, I remember on some multiplayer maps when I would play with TroppO, Cero, 1000words & iWillWaitForYou, we would spend around twenty minutes on some of the longer levels just doing tricks and messing around. xD
I was talking bout uniplayer.....he couldn't have beat the whole thing and gotten Grandmaster in an hour....Now tricks are another story, I can spend A LOT of time on maps with my friends doing tricz.... A LOT.
Well, we were training the first FDJ sc days after this came notorious (Lithe, Matrix). I learned a slow way to do it that time, but i regretted later, cause was... slow
You know we were young and thirsty for glory XD but that was the only time i spent more than, lets say, 20-30 minutes trying Sc's with somebody.
Now to realize tricks in general, i used to use videos and draws; and for the practice, mainly amateurs rooms was enough.
I can spend A LOT of time on maps with my friends doing tricz.... A LOT.
agreed bro
Lithe was a great player to race seriously and to do shortcuts with
i played lithe about a week ago but i didnt race due to every1 was better then me(others were legz some guy named 4, darwin and some guest with 600k xp) lolz