Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
you guys still play this game! Matrix! Music! Cmmon... play somethin else ya newbs lulululululul
I rarely play Exit Path. I haven't even played the multiplayer in a few days and if I do play multiplayer it's only to test something out someone has told me.
I mainly just do uniplayer now and I haven't done that in a few days.
Matrix have played a lot of games recently, because I see regularly comments in games by him and he has rated over 1600 games.
None of this pertains to the topic of this thread. Yes, I do play many games. It's the whole point of this site other than the forums. I haven't played any games recently though. Gets really boring after some time.
I always loved this game, but now its hard for me to play online because it lags loads on my home computer and my school has filtered all game websites. im new to armor games any help, apart from obviously get a new computer :/
My best memory of the online was once i was in a lobby of all grandmasters so we just messed around played it and hide and seek until some dude ruined it :/
People to look out for that are alwyas a good race are: Fast***** HulkLogan Pedro (then some numbers thati cant remeber)
Leave the lobby if you see a guy caleed LionMeowRaour hes this annoying arrogant little kid that just has a go comes in last complains and the boats again thanks
You don't need to leave the lobby is that user goes into the same room as you. There is a thing called the mute button. Here are many tips for you.
People to look out for that are alwyas a good race are:
There are much better people than the three that you just named up. Unfortunately not many good players till play the game. Some just do uniplayer(like me). Well, have fun on the game!
you misunderstand helpful stranger ive been playing the game for agesand would be one of the better players if not for my lagging issues (i think)
and yeah you can mute them but they can still speak on the chat feature
also i know there are better people but those guys are the sort of sem-pro types. there good enough to challenge you and maybe beat them, but not so good that theres no point
also WTH!!!!!!!!!!! look at the highscores for uniplayer theres aguy called the anders witha time of 00:00
I absolutely hate the levels, "Fuzz", "Marathon" and "Death Wall"
Fuzz balls? Lol, that's like the easiest level on the game. . Marathon I can understand. I always mess up during that level. Death wall gets easier as you get better though.
the people you play in multiplayer should have a certain radius, like a level 2 against a level 41