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ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
6,737 posts

Come on everybody, people need to get to playing more actively!!!!!!

That has always been the problem, there were never enough good people to play with, and eventually the game got boring and everyone quit. In my case at least, but I doubt I'm alone.

14 posts

Well I try to play a lot more on AG lobbies and I am good. I really want to see EP doing well again.

600 posts

Trying again. Anyone out there? There are actually plenty of good people who still play, don't be dissuaded if there are times when you can't get in a lobby. And if you're not as good, there are also many people, including me, who are willing to teach you how to get better in-game.

600 posts

Oh and I posted this in the comments under the game about a week ago, I guess I'll stick it in here too:
Dunno how many people will actually see this, but might as well. Introducing "How to Gitgud at Multiplayer in 4 ez Steps" by GON...
a) Familiarity. This is pretty obvious, but starting from the very basics here. In multiplayer, there's a group of 10-15 levels that get randomly picked for each round. Play until you know them all by heart. Like you could literally play with a black/black color scheme and still not die on any level. Once you know the levels and you can at least get through without dying at all, you'll be ready to start actively looking for the best paths and lowest times.
b) Flow. If you hit space bar, you go faster. This is a double-edged sword, as you also hit obstacles faster. Figure out the best places to flow in each level. If you rapidly tap flow instead of holding it, you'll essentially have infinite flow until you're forced to stop moving forward.
c) Paths. There is a fastest path on each level. Learn as many as you can from people who are better than you. Basically every time someone beats you, figure out how they did it, and if it was because they took a better path, steal theirs. The ideal targets to steal from will have a bar through their heads and a pair of scissors as flair, no clue why that is.
d) Tricks. This is closely intertwined with &quotaths", as there are a number of "shortcuts", "glitches", "hacks", whatever you want to call it, in the game. Most of them involve getting an extra jump somehow. I'll run through a few of them here:
Corner jumps. Basically if you jump into a corner, you get a second jump if you hit up again at the right time. Applicable on Marathon: jump the giant building by hitting the bouncers, getting maximum height, and spamming the up key when you exit the top of the screen. You'll corner jump off of the top of the building and be able to run over it.
Jumping out of a corner. If you're in a corner in which you're pressed up against a wall that's one block high, you'll be able to double jump if you play your cards right. For your first jump, run up against the wall, and release the right or left key as you hit the up key. This will put you in the air in a running animation, as opposed to the normal animation in which your avatar has its feet tucked in the air. This running animation is very important, as it's pretty much always a signal that you executed whatever trick you're trying correctly. Once in the running animation, you'll be able to jump again in midair, Applicable on Jumper: jump up to the top teleporter by doing this against the corner right at the start of the level.
Flow Double Jump: If you're holding flow and jumping at a wall, there's a chance that you can get another jump against the wall by simply tapping up again when you hit the wall. This is not a done deal and takes some practice. Applicable on a whole bunch of levels with walls of 4 or less blocks high: Lunge, Crossroads (in the area above the normal path), Slip and Slide (at the end). Note that on Lunge, you can make the double 100% efficient by holding flow from the very start of the level (even when you don't have any) and never ending your forward momentum (basically hold right the entire time and never press left).
Falling Corner: This one is hard as nuts to pull off. If you can do it, +1 kudos for you. You're basically going to be falling into a corner (shocking, I know). You also need flow. You're gonna want to jump without flow. Then, at the apex of your jump start flowing so that you fall towards a block with flow and hit the middle of it. Then hit the up key to get a regular corner jump, still holding flow. This should put you in that running animation again, allowing you to get another jump in midair. Applicable at the start of Slip and Slide.
Triple/Quadruple Jump/Wallclimb: I'm not even going to try to explain this in this manner, just letting you know it's possible. So stop calling hax when you see me do Maze.
Warp: This is a pretty cheaty thing to do in my opinion, so thank Uncle GON for telling you kiddies about this. Sometimes there's a bouncer that's very close to a solid surface. Like the first bouncer on the top path of Maze. If you bounce up and down on the very left side of that bouncer so that you're basically stuck in one block of space, and rapidly spam the up and down keys, alternating between them, you'll eventually be able to TELEPORT THROUGH ANY BLOCKS ABOVE YOU. Pretty dank.
And that concludes this (not so) brief guide on how to not be a noob. Please stop running away from me on sight, I'm not really that much of an ***. I just wanna be friends ^^
-your friendly uncle GON
post script: I probably forgot to mention a ton of stuff, but you guys have to figure something out yourselves right?

10 posts

Hello :-)

Does anybody play EP 1 from the old crew ?
****, it has been 5 years...

103 posts

Bonjour Folks, and former EP-ler,

if i recall correctly, many years ago there has been requests for a recording of the Single-player speedrun, and doubts whether my run was legit or not. Because it was around the time, when the first hackers could make their way to the leaderboards, and uploaded unrealistic and/or top times out of the blue. Those hackers, not known by any other high level player, or without any build-up of top times leading to it.

I doubt that anyone will still care, and probably none of the old cast that was highly competetive back then, will still read and want to watch about this.
But in any case, today I stumbled upon the recordings of the Singleplayer-runs, when I was absolutely certain that those files has been deleted and lost a long time ago.
Actually a HDD of mine achieved his Click-of-Death state, and trying to recover data from some random external drive appeared with backups xD.

Most importantly: I have to give most of the credits to good ol' pal GhostOfZero. He was without any doubt #1 back then, and still is for me, had the best Singleplayer Speedruns for a long time, and elected to share his knowledge with me. This run was only possible bcz of him, and collaboration. It was lovely.

Here is the Link to folder on photobucket:

It includes now the newest Video of the Singleplayer-run plus the Multiplayermaps with the almost fastest routes.

Hope some still gonna enjoy it. If not thats alright too.
Take care!

103 posts

Alrighty then.

Thanks for those ppl that actually cared a tiny bit after this whole time (its crazy isn't it), and made me aware of the broken functuality of Photobucket for non logged in viewers. In Any case I have uploaded the Uniplayer-run to youtube, on a recently set-up channel link here:

this should work for everyone I suppose. If I find time and muse I might migrate the Multiplayer maps, some slower Uniplayer-runs and other stuff, thats been on Photobucket until now towards the youtube channel.
Thx and see ya's hopefully

1 posts

**** then first person here in years. i loved the first game the second was abit ehhhhh

2 posts

There is a discord that's been around for a while for Exit Path. Here's an invite for thos who want to join.

Showing 2821-2829 of 2838