Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
yea here we go *glances at clock then runs into an axe* D:
Lol. . . .
But the clock isn't very hard to miss and you don't have to focus hard on it at all. Just notice what the real clock looks like and notice what a glitchy clock is like.
I'm pretty sure earlier he said that he'll keep the timer server side. This would hopefully eliminate most of the issues associated with having it on the hosts computer. And never.
I prefer the hosts timer, a good 2 second marathon run, woot! Heh, have seen John mention the timer so hopefully that will be fixed, would be cool to truly see the fastest times on the multiplayer maps.
Also to those wondering if I play multiplayer, I do occasionally. Afternoons only when I'm on campus, my home computer is too slow (which also allows me to have a great uni time, my guy and timer move slow to allow more reaction time.) Consider myself much better then most on multi, but lose consistently to most 1m xp'ers and some others. If I don't hit maps perfect turn into a lemming until I get it right
If I don't hit maps perfect turn into a lemming until I get it right
Are you me? I do the exact same thing. The only time I won't is if I'm racing seriously, and I'm ahead, but other than that, I'll always go back and practice. And good to know that you're racing