Once Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier returns to the country he was exiled from on suspicion of corruption and the other things. Right now, Haiti is having a cholera epidemic, and suddenly Bam! Here comes the evil ex-dictator. I hope he gets eaten by alligators that idiot.
People there are strangely looking forward to the return of the dictator. Strangely? Why not, after all under his dictatorship the country was apparently doing better, so, yeah, they hope that it will get better again... What do we have to hope now? That it's going to be better for the country's sake? Or that it's going to keep getting worse so that they blame the dictator?
The link to the story on CNN is [url=http://http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/01/17/haiti.duvalier/index.html?hpt=T2] and the reason he was able to come back to the country was because his supporters (few) campaigned for him to be granted access. Idiots.
Very interesting. So he was accused of corruption, but not fully convicted? I also fail to see how he is "evil" as the OP quotes. Am I missing something in this link that's supposed to point out reasons why?
I find it ironic that Haiti was once more powerful than Santo Domingo and now the Domucan Republic is stronger than Haiti. I personally feel that he won't even be successful because of all the UN Aid there is. Plus, Haiti doesn't even have an army. It would be too easy to overthrow him.