hey everyone, you test a map by...: go to the start button, then click "documents" and doubleclick a saved map, then, do 'open' then when it says 'open to where' or 'open in which program' click internet explorer then, it shows the code, copy it, and paste it in the map codes. if you dont have all the nessisary elements, it will CRASH and you will have to REFRESH but heres how to test map codes. your welcome
the waypoints CONNECT THE LINKS and the links are for the soldiers to know where to go like from 1 place 2 another like walking. 4 links, click 1 waypoint, the one you want a direction to come from, then click another waypoint, where you want the soldier to end up, of course, they have 2 hav a place 2 go from there so you do the same thing exept it going away from the waypoint your 1st link went to, and so on. jumping is for the soldier to junp from a waypoint to another, but the length they can jump dosnt change walking is for them just to walk from a waypoint to another. directoin matters, so if you just put one link, it will only go to the destinatoin, and it cant come back, so add 2 links if you want for the soldiers to go both ways.o and sry if this isnt louissi but its discriptive so its better
hey I know this might be a bit hard but could you make armor mayhem multiplayer. I would really like to face off against a real person on one of my maps
Man....I REALLY Whant that nest working...Please fix it! I KNOW YOU CAN!!! Plus I got ideas for it too...think this ...that nest is a spowner, and spowners can: be wild or owned, be a alins nest for spowning alins, a factory to build robots, a and a mother drone to spown air drunds and/or play as a contoll pount.