ForumsNews and FeedbackAG3 Release Date?

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When will AG3 come out? Just wonderan!!!!

  • 5 Replies
1,612 posts

There isn't a specific date yet. A while ago cormyn said the official release was planned for early 2011, but it may be later.
There is a beta site thought. Updated every month.

15,595 posts

Nobody knows the exact date that AG3 will be released. I suggest you to just lurk around this AG3 forum and go through some threads reading what others are saying. I heard it's suppose to come in early 2011. I predict it for March-April. That's just a guess. As I said before though. Just stay in this forum searching around. You should sign up for the beta to test it out. That'll give you a glimpse of AG3 and the new features that'll be added.

9,504 posts

No one knows the date, bu~~t...once all the planned features have been released and has been tested by the beta testers extensively enough that there are minimal issues, then *my* bet is that AG3 would be very close to launch. Early 2011 seems to be the magic number.

In the meantime however, you can always help speed up the process by visiting the link GhostofMatrix gave you so you can be a part of the beta testing team! Simply add your E-mail address at the first option and wait. If you have any questions specifically about Beta, you can always come to me if you want! A few people actually went to the trouble of dubbing me "senior beta tester", but that's a story for another time.....

311 posts

Updated every month.

Well realy more like every two weeks now! We are geting so maney testers that I think it is seeding it up and I hear the whole dev team working on it seems to be going faster!

A few people actually went to the trouble of dubbing me "senior beta tester"

Did not haer that one! I thought it was champ? That is what your GS acount says...

But it should be "soon". Lol as in give them a few more months to make the site lol! They have a lot done only a little bit of browser errors and some more feactures and they should have it "releaseble" but they say they will do a lot after it relaeses... but remember it takes a long time to even program small things I think expeshaly with html ( it seems like a jumbed mess to be in coparasen to the neat AS3!)

But (again) rmember that beta testing is not for frolecking though the flowers (mostly tulpis at the citie of oz!lol) it is for bettering the site! Cormyn is very strict with that 0.0 . But he's nice! So how too get it out soon! Ttfn (I can't text...)
2,891 posts

more like every two weeks now!

With the exception of two small delays, and one large delay, it's *always* been two weeks.

Right now we're aiming for some time in the first half of 2011, but we don't have a firm release date yet. We still have lots of features to build once we build our whole new infrastructure.
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